Friday 13 March 2015

The Song of The Oasis

Actually, there's rather a lot in the pipeline, theatrically.  First of all, I've been writing.  The Song of The Oasis is a binary play that I'm in the process of developing.  Two One act plays about a mysterious house in Southern Africa, the stories are about one Mr Morton. A widower who finds himself running away from all he knows and wandering across the globe before he rediscovers himself.  He experiences his epiphany in the wilderness and subsequently sets up a new home and life.  However all things change as they do and when his unique existence is stumbled upon by a visitor some ninety years later in the other play, it seems that all has not been Orange Blossom in the Africa House and it is Morton's responsibility to deliver a cautionary message to those aiming to exploit the rich resources of the area.

Part of the show has been given a rehearsed reading by Actors and Writers London, a new-writing development group based in West London where it was well received. And there's a lot of interest elsewhere, so, keep an eye out.  It's on it's way.